Councils and Workgroups

Civitas members are encouraged to participate in our Councils and Workgroups which are member-led and designed to support participants’ work and interests. See a full listing of our offerings below.


Government Relations and Advocacy Council

The Advocacy and Government Relations Council is responsible for developing, participating in, and overseeing the execution of Civitas’ Public Policy Agenda, identifying opportunities to offer formal comments or informal input on federal legislative or regulatory activity and assisting in the development of comments and input.

Nichole Sweeney, CRISP Shared Services
Jenelle Hoseus, Health Impact Ohio

Emerging Leaders

The Emerging Leaders Council (ELC) contributes strategic thought leadership for identified Civitas projects and events while also offering a forum for participants to increase understanding and application of critical leadership skills.

Sarah Brinkman, Stratis Health
Kyla Mor, Louisiana Public Health Institute

Full and Affiliate Members Only


Social Determinants of Health and Interoperability Workgroup

The SDoH and Interoperability Workgroup is responsible for gaining insight into, and providing members resources about, emerging community initiatives focused on SDoH data, interoperability, social care platforms, and community referrals and partnerships.

Lance Butler, MyHealth Access Network
Tracy Carver, Comagine Health

Marketing and Communications Workgroup

The Marketing and Communications Workgroup is responsible for sharing best practices, researching, collecting, developing, reviewing, and distributing marketing, communications, and promotions for Civitas and its member organizations.

Jacqueline McDaniel, MyHealth Access Network
Jessica Hagins, North Carolina Department of Information Technology

Executive Leaders Forum

The Executive Leaders Forum brings together HIE and RHIC executive leaders to collaborate on innovative business practices, sustainability approaches, and tools and resources necessary for maintaining successful organizations. Participation is limited to full and affiliate members only. 

Gabrielle Rude, Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality
Kyle Russell, Virginia Health Information

Standards and Technology Workgroup

The Standards and Technology Workgroup addresses information exchange and health care data standard issues, as well as other HIE and RHIC technology topics of interest and/or concern. The workgroup also creates opportunities for discussion and collaboration with subject matter experts in the Civitas community.

Nance Shatzkin, Bronx RHIO
Alex Vaillancourt, Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN)

Equity and Quality Workgroup

The Equity and Quality workgroup aims to assess how to identify and measure quality and advancements in health equity. The workgroup will provide a forum for shared learning for members involved in health equity, quality, and digital measurement.

Ginny Weir, Foundation for Health Care Quality
Dan Cranshaw, KC Health Collaborative

Learning Health Systems Workgroup

The Learning Health Systems workgroup provides Civitas with a consistent, systemic, and whole-organization approach to exploring data requests, data governance, and connecting researchers with quality products.

Darcy Holladay Ford, CIVHC
Eliel Oliveira, Connxus

Public Health Workgroup

The Public Health Workgroup provides a forum for Civitas members to convene on key topics of interest and workstreams within public health. With direction from the co-chairs, Civitas leadership, and public health partners, the group is diving deep into partnerships, public health use cases, and more. A key goal is to bolster public health data infrastructure through increased partnership.

Britteny Matero, Innsena
Kathryn Miller, Bronx RHIO
Stacey Schiller, DHIN

Member Directory

As a Civitas member, you are part of a community of organizations doing critically important and often similar work. We encourage members to connect with one another, learn from each other, offer or receive support and collaborate. If you need assistance making a connection to another member, please contact us at contact(at) We would be happy to help make an introduction. 

Communications Toolkit

Access content resources to communicate about Civitas and our network to your audiences. The toolkit includes language, logos, social media links, and more.