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NRHI Support & Alignment Network

The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement (NRHI) was selected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) as one of 10 support and alignment networks (SAN) under the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPi) to provide learning programs and technical assistance to clinicians working with Practice Transformation Networks (PTNs).

NRHI member RHICs provided the faculty support for the NRHI SAN. RHICs have highly relevant and applicable expertise from their roles in regional and federal Quality Improvement programs. They leveraged their own regional expertise and experiences to provide tools, resources and real-world insights to support TCPi’s five phases of practice transformation. Through their participation in TCPi, NRHI SAN faculty partners gained in-depth knowledge of CMS’ programs, resources and requirements, and insights on practical application of practice transformation, which can be applied to regional efforts.

Our approach

As one of the 10 Support and Alignment Networks (SANs) that TCPi selected as a “High-Value Care” SAN to help implement the initiative, NRHI SAN:

  • Leveraged the experience and successes of its regional healthcare improvement collaborative (RHIC) members to provide educational programs, tools, and technical assistance to the practice transformation networks worked with TCPi enrolled clinicians
  • Engaged the RHICs and their networks of employers, providers, consumers, and others to advance transformation and alternative payment methodologies.
  • RHICs (and PTNs) served a vital role in helping practices change their workflows to incorporate data collection practices needed when reporting data to payers (insurance companies), purchasers, and state agencies.
  • Promoted and disseminated the TCPi resources and tools beyond the TCPi network to the broader NRHI member community


59% improvement in navigating payment reform milestones with primary care providers

26% improvement in QI milestones with specialty care providers

34% improvement in reducing QI milestones with specialty care providers

Sustaining and spreading

NRHI is spreading practice transformation work, TCPi framework and resources, and our effective SAN learning collaborative models.

NRHI members and their networks are positioned to sustain effective use of these resources in their ongoing quality improvement and practice transformation efforts.

NRHI members THAT participated in san

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